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The Sun is very important to us because without it the Earth would lack energy and would be frozen.The sun is important because without it we would freeze. It also provides plants with the energy to grow and produce oxygen for us to breath

The sun is one of the most important thing on earth

Why Is the Sun Important


The sun is very important because it provides light and heat to our solar system. The Earth greatly depends upon the energy provided by the sun. Plants store it and animals, in turn, eat the plants for energy. If you watch much television, than you've probably noticed that the use of Solar powered equipment is on the rise. This option is made possible due to that colossal star in the sky.




The sun is important because it supplies us with heat and light and is the main source of energy on our planet. The sun's gravitational pull is what holds the earth and all the other planets together. It is about 1.3 million times larger than the earth



The sun is so important to the earth because it provides sunlight, which helps the plants during photosynthesis and it also helps human beings in seeing.
The sun is important because it is the main natural source of energy on the earth. It provides heat, light and also helps us to eliminate darkness.
The sun is very important to life in earth because it provides energy for the process of photosynthesis in green plant.
The sun is 1.3 million times larger than Earth. Because the sun is so big, it also produces a lot of gravity. The sun's strong gravitational pull is what keeps Earth and the other planets in our solar system in orbit.


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